It’s hard to be sad when you hear a
baby laugh
Try it, I dare you. Even if you aren't a "baby person" the sound of a baby laughing is pure happiness.
I am constantly surrounded by kids, and I love it. I have a niece and nephew that live overseas, too many cousins to count and family friends. Growing up I have always known that I don't want kids of my own, and even at 31 I can confirm that. I have never had that desire that other women speak about for children, I don't know why I don't want kids, but I know that I love being around them. Kids are so honest and fun. They aren't concerned with the problems of the world, all they want is to enjoy life, something that adults forget about. We get so wrapped up in our jobs, our problems, our friends problems, our neighbors problems, our politicians problems, even the problems of strangers (Keeping up with the Kardashians anyone?). It's almost like we reach a moment in life that we forget that life should be simple. Being around kids reminds me of this. It doesn't take a complicated joke to make kids laugh. Its the simple things that do it.
I was playing with my younger cousins on Thanksgiving and they were cracking me up as I was making them laugh. One of them had pulled out a old Mr. Potato head toy, I took various objects and placed it on my head as if I was a big potato, and making comments about it in a odd voice.
"Ohhh look at this hat on my head, does it fit properly? Why are you laughing at such a time like this? I need to know how my hat looks!"
That sent them in a fit of hysterics, had they been adults, they probably would have whispered about how strange I was and then walked away. Simple things.
My next lesson I will be talking more about F*R*I*E*N*D*S, but this scene accurately depicts my point.
Next time you are in a bad mood, make a baby laugh, it is a guaranteed mood lifter.
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