
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

31 Lessons Learned...Lesson 4

   If at least one episode of FRIENDS doesn't make you laugh then I probably won’t like you

         FRIENDS has been my favorite show for as long as I can remember.  In the mid nineties when the show first aired, I was at a age where I could understand adult TV.  It was a show that my older sister watched, so I was allowed to watch it as well.  I remember the first time Ross and Rachel kissed in the second season, we were so excited.  I jumped up on the couch and squealed.  I can't believe I have admitted that.  The show always made me laugh, I would write down my favorite quotes from the show because I was afraid I wouldn't remember them later on in life.  And then came DVDs.  First the "Best of FRIENDS"  was released.  We bought the 4 DVDs instantly.  And watched it, a lot.  I mean over and over again.  It never stopped being funny to me.  And the older I got the more I watched it, I used to think it was because it had so many memories attached.  But now I know it was more than that.  I was reaching the age of the characters  and their stories were something I was able to relate too.  And now the jokes were funnier to me, and I had a bigger connection to it.  I feel the same was about Sex and the City.  When I first watched it, it was just a fun show to watch.  When I re-watched the entire series at a older age, it took on a whole different meaning.  
          FRIENDS is something I will always watch.  I have the entire series on DVD and I am watching it at a constant loop.  I start with season 1 episode 1 and go in order until I reach the series finale.  I have done this so many times, I lost count.  I can watch the show without even watching it, just have it on as background noise and I can see the scenes in my head.  And even to this day it will always make me laugh, and if you don't find at least one of the 236 episodes funny, there is something wrong with you.  And we probably will never be friends....